

Whether it’s music, art, food or biking, Detroit has it down. CCS位于市中心,住在这里让你处于创造力的中心. Become a part of it. Artists and designers, 年轻的专业人士, 当地社区组织者和各种背景的企业家正在创造下一个底特律. 生活在充满活力和社会意识的文化中心,与国际社会合作的机会正在帮助我们这个多面城市的复兴.

The CCS campus is made up of two unique sites.

Taubman Center Loft-Style 住房

陶布曼中心提供高天花板,阁楼风格的房间配有一个私人浴室. 每个房间约500平方英尺,可容纳三到四人.

The Taubman Center is built on the philosophy of community, so just outside the student’s living quarters are workspaces, fitness rooms and lounge areas for students to interact. Each floor also houses a laundry room. 继续社区的主题,一个全方位服务的用餐区就在下面几层. 住在陶布曼中心的学生需要有一份膳食计划.

大多数一年级学生被安置在陶布曼中心,以促进与班级同龄人的合作, enhancing their overall learning experience.


Taubman Center three & four students per unit:
$4,070 per semester*


  • 床上
  • Elevated Storage Area
  • 大衣柜
  • Couch and Coffee Table
  • Large clothing storage (wardrobe or dresser) per person
  • Ethernet and Wireless Internet in the room


  • 喷淋/工作空间
  • 健身中心
  • Coin-operated Laundry Room
  • 休息区
  • Game Room/Meeting Spaces
  • 多用途的房间

*床上rooms shown are representative, window count may vary. 

Art Centre Building – Apartment Style 住房

*床上rooms shown are representative, window count may vary. 

Located on the Walter and Josephine Ford campus. 这是四人或六人的套间式住宿,包括一间客厅, 餐厅, 齐全的厨房.




Art Centre Building four students per unit:
$4,270 per semester*

Art Centre Building six students per unit:
$4,160 per semester*


  • 床上
  • Kitchen with refrigerator and stove
  • 3 bar stools (4-6 spaces)
  • 4 drawers and hanging space per student
  • Couch and Coffee Table
  • 梳妆台
  • Ethernet cable connections


  • 喷淋/工作空间
  • 健身中心
  • Coin-operated Laundry Room
  • 公共学习空间
  • 社区空间
  • U245 student art gallery

*床上rooms shown are representative, window count may vary. 


Dining and Meal Plans

我们有几个不同的餐饮选择供我们的学生享受. The Ford 校园 is home to the Arts & 工艺品咖啡馆,其中设有一个咖啡吧,抓和走的项目,和快速午餐的选择. A full-service dining facility is located at the Taubman Center. 我们还提供广泛的自动售货服务,每天24小时在两个校园站点提供可定制的膳食选择.

1,450 dining dollars each semester — $1,450 per semester
2,175 dining dollars each semester — $2,175 per semester

Additional Dining Information

所有的学生都被锁定在一学年的膳食计划从搬进来的那一天开始. 在入住日之后, 膳食计划的大小可以在每学期开始时(大约在学期开始后两周)的增减期结束前进行切换。. Dates are published in the CCS Academic Calendar. 秋季学期未使用的餐费将转到冬季学期. 冬季学期结束时未使用的餐费将不予退还.

Checking Dining Dollar Balance

查看用餐美元余额最简单的方法是通过我们的大陆通应用程序. The location code is: CCSDT

  1. On the front page, click payment cards
  2. On the next screen, select Student Meal Program
  3. The email address will be the student’s CCS email address.
  4. 密码是印在学生证背面的5位数密码
  5. On the screen, it will show you the balance on the meal plan.



我们有一个专门的和精力充沛的工作人员准备帮助您在CCS学生宿舍逗留期间. 工作人员包括艺术中心大楼的11名驻地助理和陶布曼中心的10名驻地助理. 住宿助理是有经验的学生,他们协助住宿和计划项目和活动. In addition to the resident assistants, 我们的每个住宿设施都有专业的工作人员居住.

安全 in 住房

The security of the residents is of utmost concern. 艺术中心大楼和陶布曼中心都有一个24小时前台,由保安人员协助学生. The building is locked from 6 p.m. 到8岁.m. 每一天. 居民使用学生证进入大楼,使用电梯或楼梯井. 文化中心和新中心之间也提供班车服务.

Students with Disabilities

All efforts are made to assist CCS students with disabilities. Assistance in educational matters is provided through the Center for Tutoring and Writing. 为身体有残疾的学生提供其他类型的协助 Office of 学生事务. 有身体和/或学习障碍的学生必须向学院提供残疾证明文件,才能获得任何帮助.


福特和陶布曼校区每周7天,每天24小时提供服务. 我们还提供往返购物中心的班车,你需要报名参加.